In this blog, we will discuss Enhanced Brand Content, one of Amazon’s three new marketing features available to companies a part of Amazon’s Brand Registry program. Before we begin, please note that in order to participate in the Brand Registry program, sellers must have a registered trademark for their products and brand. Trademarks must be registered (not pending) with USPTO office.
Please refer to our Brand Registry services for additional information.
Enhanced Brand Content (EBC)
What is EBC?
Enhanced Brand Content is a premium feature that allows sellers to enrich the product description field of their listings with high-quality images, descriptive text, and video. This is also a great place to describe the unique characteristics of your brand to consumers.
Why EBC?
According to Amazon, enhanced content can increase your sales by 6%-12%. We know that 60% of all buyers read the product description on both their desktop and mobile devices. Utilizing EBC, can result in higher conversion rates, more traffic to your page and ultimately increased sales.
Some highlights:
Build your brand-EBC improves brand recognition by presenting additional information and images with a more professional look
Establish confidence – an enhanced listing sparks confidence in the buyer. EBC showcases the product in a manner which inspires assurance in the brand value. EBC allows buyers to interact with your unique brand story.
Eliminate doubt-This is a great opportunity to display product features and benefits, as well as provide more in-depth information about your company and your brand. This, in turn, will decrease the likelihood of customer returns as you are providing an in-depth look into your product and brand as a whole.
Catch their eye- In the vast world of Amazon, EBC is an easy way to grab the buyers’ attention with images, videos, and desirable text modules
What does it look like?
Amazon listings eligible for EBC will have additional space where you can present information about your company, brand, and product to buyers. With templates provided by Amazon, sellers can essentially curate their listings to better represent their brand.
See below for examples of standard and enhanced listings:
Standard Amazon listing – all sellers on Amazon have access to creating standard product listings with a limited description field.

Enhanced Listing- eligible to those enrolled in the Brand Registry program.

Creating Enhanced Brand Content
Under the ‘Advertising’ tab, select Enhanced Brand Content. You will be directed to enter in the SKU you wish to create content for.

You will then be directed to select a template. Amazon provides 5 templates you can choose from and also allows you to create a custom template.

You will need to submit the enhanced Brand Content for your listing to Amazon. Amazon will either approve it or respond with changes you will need to make in the listing. The approval process can take up to 7 days.
Use correct grammar and spelling
Restricted content
Don’t forget, as, with all content on Amazon, you must adhere to the strict guidelines. By doing so, you will increase the chances of content approval. Some examples of restricted content and requirements are listed below.
Do not use language referencing prices of promotions
Do not include information about shipping.
Do not mention competitors.
Do not link to other websites.
Do not mention company contact information
Use high-quality images
Use correct grammar and spelling