Seller Fulfilled PRIME

Tweak your Product Titles to Prevent Listing Suppression

Tweak your Product Titles to Prevent Listing Suppression
While we all aim to set up titles which not only accurately describe our product, but also incorporate valuable keywords and search terms, if they do not also coincide with Amazon’s strict guidelines, your listing may not be displayed in a potential buyer’s search results.

Amazon guidelines are simple enough but are not often referenced when we add or attach to a product in the Amazon catalog. Even Amazon warns that failure to comply ‘may cause a product to be suppressed from Amazon search results.’

The obvious obstacle a seller will face from noncompliance is…

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Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) – Pros and Cons- Is it Right for You?


Many sellers have come to us with concerns about the Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) process and fees, holding large quantities of sellable inventory at Amazon, and losing out on the Buy Box. As we know Amazon shows preference to sellers who use FBA, because it can guarantee 2-day shipping to all 100 million Prime members in the US marketplace. According to CIRP, Prime members in the U.S. spend 2.33 times non-Prime members. By becoming a Seller Fulfilled Prime member, you will be able to sell your inventory across multiple channels from the same warehouse, without paying FBA fees. You…

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