Amazon A9

Utilizing Amazon Tools to Optimize Sponsored Ads Performance

I would never discourage a seller from utilizing software or an expert service from managing their Amazon sponsored ad campaigns; however, sellers who prefer to DIY campaign management may benefit from tools, reports, and search engines already provided by Amazon.  Here are a few tips of the trade for optimizing performance:

Utilize Amazon’s AUTO campaigns. AUTO campaigns allow you to select a budget and max bid, while Amazon does the work in placing bids on relevant keywords.  The Search Terms report will show you the keywords selected by Amazon as well as their performance, so it’s a great tool for…

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In our first blog, we discussed the impact of search ranking on Amazon, paid and organic search. In this blog, we will discuss four factors that directly influence the natural search ranking for selected search terms that are relevant to your product. In the third blog we will discuss factors that influence sales velocity and in the last blog in this series, we will discuss specific implementation strategies to improve the sales velocity, your organic search ranking and your Best Seller Rating (BSR).

We will now review direct factors Amazon A9 Search engine uses to present product to the consumer searching…

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Understanding Amazon’s A9 search engine and how it impacts your sales – Part 1

Part one of Four Part Blog Series

This is a four-part Blog series. In our first blog, we will discuss the importance of search ranking and paid and organic search. In the second blog, we will discuss four factors that directly influence the search ranking. In the third blog we will discuss factors that influence sales velocity and in the last blog in this series, we will discuss specific strategies to improve the sales velocity and thus your organic search ranking.

Amazon is the world’s largest search engine for products. Over 50% of product searches are now done directly on Amazon.com and…

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